area size

240 000 ha

The project was launched by the Ministry of the Environment in 2019. Within a space of ten years, the project will focus on the measures of the existing water management plan, as well as on potential new solutions. For example, remote monitoring solutions are being developed and ecosystem services are being mapped.
bodies of watercourses

547 km

coastal water bodies

160 000 ha

total amount

16,7 mln €

Project duration


In total, the project covers an area of 240,000 hectares, involving a total of 574 km of bodies of watercourses and almost 160,000 hectares of coastal water bodies. As an integrated project, the water bodies of Ida-Viru and Lääne-Viru Counties are dealt with as a whole, taking into consideration diffuse and point sources of pollution, pressure factors, as well as ecological condition.
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Meet LIFE IP CleanEST partners

The project is funded by the European Commission LIFE programme and the Republic of Estonia. The LIFE programme is a financial instrument of the European Commission which has been used for funding environmental projects in the European Union for over twenty years. It is the only environment-focused instrument which supports the development and implementation of the EU environmental policy.
Alutaguse vald Eesti Geoloogiateenistus Eest Maaülikool Eesti Rahvusringhääling Ida-Virumaa Omavalitsuste Liit Kadrina vald Keskkonnaagentuur Lüganuse vald Rakvere linn TalTech Vinni vald Viru-Nigula vald Keskkonnaamet Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoda Rakvere vald Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus The Rivers Trust Teaduskeskus AHHAA Kliimaministeerium Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskus Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus Maaeluministeerium Narva linnavalitsuse arhitektuuri- ja linnaplaneerimise amet